Arithmetic Clinic

After completing our Arithmetic Paper last week, the children identified the questions that they found challenging, so we could spend the following lesson addressing and discussing any misconceptions. Dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10 and 100 was this week’s main focus and after recapping different strategies, the children enjoyed applying them in a game of snakes and ladders.


Proud Poets! 📝

This week, we have created narrative poems titled  ‘London from the Sky’ as the main character in our core text travels around the capital by jet pack! We have had a wonderful week discussing high quality vocabulary and learning about figurative language. The published results are just incredible. Here are a few:


Robert Watson-Watt

This week in learning mission, we have been learning about the reasons behind Britain’s success during The Battle of Britain. We explored the work of Robert Watson-Watt and created interviews that described his life and explained how radar played such a vital role in helping the Royal Air Force defeat the Germans during this time.

The children also recreated some wonderful Propaganda posters, after being inspired by our recent Whole Class Reading on this topic!